Clearwater Gets a Backdrop
Welcome to the July update. Well another milestone has happened on the layout, at least a milestone for me, more on that later.
Now that the track work has been tested, the bugs worked out, the frogs powered, and some mock-ups made, operating the layout is a fun experience. Before I start the scenery I need to build some buildings for the town of Clearwater in order to get a feel for the town. Besides the mock-ups of the industries, I need to finish the saloon, put together the pool hall (by Evergreen Hill), kit bash the station and build a water tank. That way I can see if it looks and feel right or I need more structures.
I’ve also bought and started to build a craftsman kit by Rusty Stumps called Hap Hazard’s. It’s the first craftsman lit I’ve built in “O” scale and so far it is a fun build. I’ve also have done a little more work on the Clearwater Saloon and it is getting closer to completion. It needs a roof, window and door on the front, trim and some signage. Another couple of evenings and it will be done.
Now for the big news, I have completed the backdrop around Clearwater. This is the first layout I have built that has had a backdrop that is more that blue sky. Chris Lyon, a local modeler who does great backgrounds was kind enough to teach me how he does his backdrops. His backdrops are simple to do and have a great visible impact.
What’s next? I’m not sure, I’m getting the itch to build more bench work and maybe complete phase 2 to Mara, or maybe I’ll work on the logging branch. The next month should be interesting. How much will get done will depend on the weather, If we get a lot of rain a lot will get done. Till next time, have fun.